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This is what shooting at 2,564 frames per second looks like (smartphonThis is what shoting at 2,564 frames per second looks like (Smartphones were capable)

Tom Guilmette is a professional camera man who has been working in the TV industry for many years. That hasn’t dulled his love of shooting with cool equipment every chance he gets, though, so when he got handed a Vision Research Phantom High Speed Digital Cinema camera he started experimenting.
The camera is the new Flex version. He was in Las Vegas to shoot the World Championships of Ping Pong (WCPP), but he needed to get used to the camera first, so he spent a whole night playing with it in his hotel room.
The result is this rather epic video that was shot at 2,564 frame per second. The detail on view here is astonishing, and it’s some of the best I’ve seen. The phone hitting a hard surface was especially interesting seeing how the whole case reacted to the impact, as was the way water comes out of the tap and almost forming a ball before dropping. I think the light bulb smashing is my favorite, though.

If only the cameras in our smartphones were capable of capturing such detail.

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