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Mobilicity: The “other new entrants follow us, we don’t follow them”

Today I had a quick conversation with Mobilicity CEO Dave Dobbin and he’s incredibly happy with the way things are going. Currently Mobilicity service is available in Toronto, Edmonton, Ottawa, Vancouver and Calgary is “coming soon”. Still no official date and he says they “will launch when the network is ready”. Since Mobilicity is a private company he wouldn’t give me their subscriber numbers but did stated they “add subscribers faster than anybody else in the country”. A recent RBC report estimated Mobilicity to have 94,000 subscribers.
Mobilicity has certainly made a mark on the Canadian wireless scene. They have 3 Unlimited plans and several key devices – apparently the Motorola Spice was the best seller in Q4. Here’s some quotes on subscribers and competition:
On their subscriber numbers:
“When we first launched the service nobody was coming to us for example and porting over their number. Because we were so new and people didn’t know who we were. So they would come to us and they would buy it and trial the service. Now many many more customers are coming in and instantly porting their numbers over from Bell, TELUS or Rogers to us. We see that actually grows every week… so every week about 3-4% more customers come in porting their numbers…. I’m happy to say that if you take a look at the announcements that have been made by others and you take our number and reverse engineer it we add subscribers faster than anybody else in the country”.
On Competition:
“The competition is not the new entrants, the competition is the Big 3. And that’s important to stay focused on and that’s why you’ll notice other new entrants follow us, we don’t follow them. And the reason being is that you have to keep your eye on the prize. You’ve got to keep focused on who the real competition is. You can’t let the incumbents create a false target. You can’t let a false bogey be created in your mind and us thinking about the new entrants is 100% a false target… this is about taking customers from the big 3 wireless carriers. So that’s who our competition is. How do we stack up against the competition? We stack up incredibly well. We offer the best value in the Canadian market place today. There is no one, not one other company in the market that offers greater value to their consumers than Mobilicity does to our customers. If you look at our plans in comparison to anything the Big 3 have to offer, anything, you pick the plan, you pick the brand, you pick the flanker, pick whatever you want i will stack our offering up against theirs everyday and we will smoke them”.
Dobbin is a big supporter of the Android platform and we can expect several devices that run the OS over the next year. In addition, tablets are coming down the pipe specifically the Playbook is expected to be in their lineup.

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