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V3.04 of Socially Now Available - The all-in-one Social Client for your Nokia

sociallyHaving Beta test Socially right from the word go, its great to see such an application evolve so quickly over recent months, and recently comes yet another welcomed update which brings Socially up to version 3.04, bringing with it even more functionality.
More importantly, an even better User Interface, and User Experience, two key area's Nokia users really want to see on there Nokia handsets.

New features

  • Twitter: "in reply to" added to tweets
  • Twitter: "Save this search" feature in search results
  • Twitter: Automatic, Classic (Allow edit) retweet options added in Settings
  • Multiple network status update now remembers networks updated last

Enhancements & bug fixes

  • Facebook photo viewer: improved navigation on V5 devices
  • Facebook Albums: shows user name & no. of photos in Recent Albums
  • Social Contacts (prompt in address book) can now be turned off from Settings
  • Tweaked Recent updates and Alerts for better performance
  • Foursquare Shout error on S60v3 corrected
  • Multiple network status posting getting cut at bottom in S60v3 landscape mode - corrected
  • Twitter status post problems with special characters (*) now fixed
More information, and details on where to download the latest client can be found here.

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