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Sony releases statement on PS3 hacking, surprisingly comes out against it

In the wake of recent developments in Sony's war on Geohot, the company has released an "Official Statement Regarding PS3 Circumvention Devices and Pirated Software," which reads, in part:
Consumers using circumvention devices or running unauthorized or pirated software will have access to the PlayStation Network and access to Qriocity services through PlayStation 3 system terminated permanently.

To avoid this, consumers must immediately cease use and remove all circumvention devices and delete all unauthorized or pirated software from their PlayStation 3 systems.
In other words: get caught with custom firmware, find yourself banished from the PlayStation Network forever. Seems rather reasonable. More reasonable than, say, filing a motion in court for the usernames and IP addresses of everyone who posted comments on Geohot's YouTube video. Read the entire statement at the source link.
sourcePlayStation Blog

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