12 mobile health stories from HIMSS
A number of longtime HIMSS attendees, including my colleague Neil Versel, pointed out that this year’s event in Orlando, Fla. had renewed energy. The past two years’ events were more staid on account of the down economy. The magicians at vendor booths had less flourish, anyway.
Whether you are of the opinion that HIMSS has its mojo back, is tapping into a hype cycle or neither — what is undoubtedly true is that HIMSS has discovered mobile in a big way. As predicted by many, countless vendors demonstrated how potential customers could use tablets (overwhelmingly Apple’s iPad) and smartphones (still a good mix, but mostly iPhone and Android) to run new apps or legacy software.
I had the chance to sit down and discuss mobility in healthcare with a number of care providers, payors, vendors and even a handful of investors (yes, there’s more of them at HIMSS now, too).
Here’s a quick round-up of 12 mobile health-related news bulletins to come out of HIMSS this week. We’ll have more on some of these and other HIMSS stories in the coming days. A sampling of the mobile highlights at HIMSS:
Source : M
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